Board and Staff of Saratoga Arts invites the public to join
us, Mayor Scott Johnson, city officials, artists John Van
Alstine, Noah Savett and our supporters, Sunday,
September 9th at 12pm at a ceremony to inaugurate
Tempered By Memory and reflect upon September 11,
2001. The ceremony will take place at the permanent site of
the sculpture in High Rock Park between the two springs.
the community, from the community has been at the heart
of Tempered By Memory since the spring of 2010 when
artists John Van Alstine and Noah Savett proposed a sculpture
that would
remain sensitive to the material and respectful
of its past. It was this vision that led to the creation of a
powerful work of contemporary art that unites our own
community with others across the globe, as we reflect on
September 11, 2001.
Join us, Sunday, September 9th at noon
to dedicate Tempered By Memory, reflect
upon September 11, 2001 and celebrate the integration
of Saratoga Springs' 9/11 Memorial Sculpture in
Rock Park as the centerpiece of a plan
that emphasizes the other natural and historical
features of the area. The ceremony will take place
at the site of the sculpture, located in High
Rock Park between the two springs.
Arts was able to make this powerful and important project
possible because of the tremendous support it received from
hundreds of individuals and businesses in our community.
more information on Tempered By Memory and a full
list of its supporters, please visit Saratoga Arts at
further information or questions about Tempered By
Memory's dedication event, please contact Joel Reed,
Saratoga Arts' Executive Director at 518.584.4132