Preliminary Idea: for REEM MALL , Abu Dhabi, UAE

 Passage 2020,

bronze, proposed scale; 3-5meter high

John Van Alstine



General Theme:

All of my proposals embody the general spirit of “harmonious development” and reflect the interaction and balance of art and science in an abstract and contemporary presentation. Each proposal addresses specific themes and is explained more fully below.


Passage Theme:

The vessel is a common and perhaps universal metaphor for passage used throughout art and literature. It embodies or suggests both the symbolic “self” as well as refers to “groups” - specifically or universally - as a nation or all human-kind.

The proposed sculpture PASSAGE 2020, communicates a positive message of a “plunge or passage” into a new decade and to a brighter and more prosperous future.






NOTE: The proposal is flexible regarding scale, specific material and fabrication techniques in order to best fit the situation and conditions where it will be installed.


Preliminary Idea: for REEM MALL , Abu Dhabi, UAE



bronze, proposed scale; 6-8 meters high

John Van Alstine



General Theme:

All of my proposals embody the general spirit of “harmonious development” and reflect the interaction and balance of art and science in an abstract and contemporary presentation. Each proposal addresses specific themes and is explained more fully below.



Passage Theme:

The vessel is a common and perhaps universal metaphor for passage used throughout art and literature. It embodies or suggests both the symbolic “self” as well as refers to “groups” - specifically or universally - as a nation or all human-kind.

The proposed sculpture PLUNGE 2020, communicates a positive message of a “plunge or passage” into a new decade and to a brighter and more prosperous future.









The proposal is flexible regarding scale, specific material and fabrication techniques in order to best fit the situation and conditions where it will be installed.


Preliminary Idea: for REEM MALL , Abu Dhabi, UAE


PORTALS and Passage 2020

bronze, proposed scale; 6-8 meters high

John Van Alstine



General Theme:

All of my proposals embody the general spirit of “harmonious development” and reflect the interaction and balance of art and science in an abstract and contemporary presentation. Each proposal addresses specific themes and is explained more fully below.


This proposed sculpture PORTALS and PASSAGES 2020, communicates a positive message of “passage” into a new decade and to a brighter and more prosperous future.


Passage Theme:

The vessel is a common and perhaps universal metaphor for passage used throughout art and literature. It embodies or suggests both the symbolic “self” as well as refers to “groups” - specifically or universally - as a nation or all human-kind



VanAlstine_PortalsPassages2020 IV rt


Portal and Passages 2020


Over the years I have created a number sculptures that feature openings or portals suggesting entrance or passages through times, spaces and places, both real and figurative . In the Portal and Passages Series a vessel form, historically understood as a metaphoric “container or carrier” of an individual, a group, or even society in its entirety, is typically careening through a portal or circular opening.






The proposal is flexible regarding scale, specific material and fabrication techniques in order to best fit the situation and conditions where it will be installed.